Farkhad Dam (Dam-16) - Hydroelectric Station on the River Syr Darya, near the town of Shirin in the Syr Darya region of Uzbekistan.
Farkhad Dam (Dam-16) | |
Official name | Farkhad Dam |
Construction began | 1942 |
Dam and spillways | |
Type of dam | Concrete gravity-arch |
Impounds | Syr River |
Coordinates: 40 ° 13'19 "with. Sh. 69 ° 09'41 "to. etc. (G)
State Uzbekistan
Status acting
River Syr
Cascade Naryn-Syr Darya
Started construction 1942
Years of writing the first and last hydro 1948
Installed capacity, MW 126
Average annual output, mln kWh 830
Type HPS derivational
Calculated pressure, m 32.5
Equipment features
Type of turbines Kaplan
The number and brand turbines 2, 2
Capacity of hydro, MW 2h33, 20x30
Basic facilities
Type of dam dirt digger, concrete spillway
The height of the dam, m 27.5
The length of the dam, m 120, 450
Gateway no
Owner Uzbekenergo
Hydroelectric power plant built on the derivative type, is a complex of structures located within 22 km. In addition to electricity generation, Farkhad Dam provides water withdrawals in a series of irrigation canals. The composition of hydroelectric plants[1]:
The head node on the River. Syr Darya, which includes:
spillway concrete dam of 120 m in length;40 ° 11'36 "with. Sh. 69 ° 18'18 "to. d. (G)
earthen dam length of 450 m and a maximum height of 27.5 m;
filtrating regulator irrigation canal Dalverzin;
filtrating regulator derivation;
Diversion canal, designed for consumption of 500 m ³ / sec with irrigation water intake and seledukomlong ok.11 km;
Pressure-station unit, which includes:
pressure pool
receiving waters;
Four metal pressure pipe with a diameter of 6.5 m;
HPP building;
idling spillway;
Race length 3,6 km, ending vododelitelemsharing the costs of water between the Kirov irrigation canals and discharge channel length of 3.3 km;
Open switchgear (MRF).
Hydroelectric power - 126 MW, average annual production - 830 million kWh The building has 4 hydro rotary vane hydraulic unit: 2 with a capacity of 30 MW and 2 with a capacity of 33 MW, operating on the current
pressure of 32,5 m[2]. Hydroelectric dam forms a reservoir Farkhad week regulate volume 350 million m ³ and an area of 48 km ².
Construction of Farkhad Dam was initiated during the second world war, in 1942[3]. Chief Architect - Karakis I.U., a construction company - "Chirchikstroy. Construction was carried out in difficult conditions, with extensive use of manual labor, a method of national construction. In addition, construction was mainly held by German and Japanese prisoners of war. February 18, 1948 was commission HPP construction of the station was completed in 1949. In 1959, two HPS hydraulic unit have been upgraded[6]. Currently, hydropower equipment is outdated and needs replacing. Rehabilitation Equipment Farkhad HES is a member of promising investment projects in Uzbekistan, with the implementation period in 2011-2013. The cost of the modernization of hydroelectric tentatively estimated at $ 5.5 million.